Our services
We believe that sustainability and, further on circularity, can only be achieved through collaboration, systemic change and by fostering a stronger environment for innovation. As a design studio, we act as a binder and wish to scale the impact of our knowledge and help create new agents for change. Hence we enable companies to create products and system innovation for a circular economy in their industry and stay relevant.
​We do that trough design services addressing product, business or concept development and trough education, offering program development, workshops, lectures and keynotes.
Apart form that, we enjoy partner with companies around the world in fields such as AI, IOT, tech, art or healthcare to develop sustainable innovations.
Why circular?
Circularity aims to generate more business and economic value while providing environmental and societal benefits. So instead of using a linear model (take-make-use-dispose) where a lot of value and business opportunities are lost, we search for innovative solutions that create resource abundance by design.

Are you a student wishing to contribute to a circular fashion industry?
We offer you guidance free of charge.
Below you can see some examples of what we can deliver.
​We are able to tailor services depending on your needs. Contact us to discuss more.

Product / Service

Program Development

Product / Product-service/ Service Design
In product, product-service systems (PSSs) or service design we work closely with clients towards creating a more intuitive connection between products, end-users and the ecosystem. Depending on your needs, we can either create a product from scratch, redesign an existing one or switch to a PSS or service instead so that it better addresses your client's needs and integrates within a circular economy.
Business Design
A truly sustainable closed-loop system is not just about designing the products but also designing the processes behind the value-chain.
In order to achieve a complete transition, business design needs to be aligned with the product design circularity strategy. Depending on the context in which you business operates in, we use a systemic approach to analyze and design fitting innovative solutions.

Concept Design
Sustainable innovation comes in many shapes and sizes. Be it for a project your company wants to create to showcase the future, an installation that educates your public and customer, a flagship store design that is 0-waste, a behavioral test to analyze what drives sustainability in your company or any other challenge you want to champion, we can assist you by designing an elegant concept.
Program Development
There is a wide range of ways to integrate innovation, circularity, design and sustainability in your curricula. We can design and deliver traineeships, short courses or an introductory lecture series on sustainability. Just take as an example our S.I.T. - Sustainable Innovation Traineeship, a program for undergraduate students on creative and innovative design around sustainable/circular practices.

Our immersive workshops are designed to stimulate your creative and critical thinking. Everyone is a designer. In our workshops you will practice to think differently, solve real-world problems, fast prototype and generate simple solutions to everyday challenges.
Cristina is a visiting lecturer at Malmö University in Sweden and VIA Design University College in Denmark and a guest lecturer for other universities in Scandinavia. The topics of her lectures revolve around circular design, design thinking approaches and circular economy. The topics can be adapted to your educational program and level of study, from undergraduate to graduate level.

As a design hero, a pioneer in circular fashion and with a strong vision on the products of tomorrow, Cristina challenges people to think differently about designing our world. She is the perfect public speaker to inspire your audience and stimulate their imagination in order to design a sustainable future.
Examples of keynote topics:
Sustainability as a Design Tool
Social Innovation in the Fashion Industry
Co-design: A New Design Paradigm